The question must be asked, why these sermons? Why is Bath Road Baptist Church involved in reproducing the sermons of Charles Haddon Spurgeon? Having died over a century ago, surely there are more recent preachers that should be featured. A brief history follows.

Spurgeon Ministries began in Cambridge, Ontario in the mid 1970’s. About ten years later Spurgeon Ministries moved to Kingston, Ontario and became the responsibility of Bath Road Baptist Church. Although this church takes the lead in choosing sermons, printing them, and looking after administration, many other churches and individuals have been behind this ministry for years. Such financial support from so many others has been an essential element in the progress and constant growth of this ministry.

Charles Spurgeon is theologically sound and his sermons accurately reflect the teaching of the Bible and bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. Our efforts are not directed at promoting anyone but Christ and we are thankful to be able to produce messages that just do that!

The details: Each month we send out over 5000 printed copies of the sermons of C.H. Spurgeon to over 50 countries around the world. This ministry has been used by the Lord in seeing people come to Christ, mature in Christ, and overseas pastors and Christian workers trained in sound teaching.

Two-thirds of our sermons are mailed overseas. All of the work is done by a dedicated group of volunteers whose many hours keep the costs very reasonable.

The sermons published are mostly those of Pastor Charles Spurgeon. However, with the purpose of acquainting our readers with other great servants of the Lord who can be of spiritual benefit, once a year (usually the June issue) a sermon by another minister of the gospel is published. Again, our efforts are not directed at promoting anyone but Christ and we are thankful to be able to produce messages that do just that.

Through the years we have received correspondence from those who have been converted, spiritually corrected, doctrinally cultivated, and had their faith in Christ nurtured by reading these sermons. We are confident that over a century later you too will find these sermons a tremendous blessing!