There is no subscription fee to receive sermons from  Spurgeon Ministries. The complete cost of keeping someone on the mailing list is under ten dollars per year because of all the volunteer work done by members of Bath Road Baptist Church. If you are able to give and would like to cover the cost of your own subscription that would certainly be appreciated, but not necessary. Many who have given more than the cost of their own subscription have enabled us to keep the sermons going overseas at no charge. We want to assure you that if you are not able to support this ministry or do not feel led to at this time, we want you on the mailing list if you feel the sermons would be spiritually beneficial.

Once a year we send a letter updating subscribers in North America with a financial report of the previous year and letting them know of special needs, if any. We also send an “update letter” late in the calendar year. We do not make “hard sell” financial appeals. We do not let our needs be known overseas because most of the Christians overseas to whom we are sending sermons have significant financial needs themselves. We acknowledge with sincere gratitude that the Lord has supplied generously for the ever-increasing needs of this missions ministry through the generosity of His people.

You may know those who would benefit from receiving these messages. With their approval, feel free to put them on our mailing list. To subscribe for yourself or a friend, simply send an email to with the following information:

  • Name and mailing address, including zip code/postal code
  • Preference for paper or electronic version sent by email (this is currently a work in progress); if electronic is preferred, please also provide your email address.